Rameses B - Burden of Life
Name Your Price - https://ramesesb.bandcamp.com/track/burden-of-life
Free Download - https://soundcloud.com/ramesesb/burden-of-life
When life hits you hard, listen to trance and gain a new perspective, you'll soon realise that life has put you exactly where you need to be
Self-released May 17, 2016
Artwork/visuals provided by Mattias Müller - http://Matthiasm.de
Vocal samples are from Allen Ginsberg read by Tom O'Bedlam
You are free to use this track as you please on videos or streams, even for commercial use and you won't get a content ID match, Just be sure to credit it me when you do thanks!
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Under the burden of solitude,
The weight we carry is love.
The burden of life is love.
Warm bodies shine together in the darkness.
The weight of the world is love,
under the burden of solitude.
The weight, the weight we carry is love.
Who can deny,
in dreams it touches the body.
In thought, constructs a miracle.
In imagination, anguishes.
Burning with purity,
for the burden of life is love.
But we carry the weight, wearily.
Obsessed with angels or machines,
The final wish is love.
The weight is heavy
The warm bodies shine together in the darkness.