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Dustycloud & Kage - Ignore Them (feat. LexBlaze) [Monstercat Release]

2 Views· 05 May 2022
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▼ Follow LexBlaze
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Genre: #Monstercat #BassHouse

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✏️ Lyrics
One thing that I can do
Ignore dem hiding truths
You know we sliding through
I know you're riding too

One thing that I can do
Every time we riding through
I see you shining boo
Outfit cold like minus two

One thing that I can do
You know we sliding through
I see you shining boo
Outfit cold like minus two

One thing that I can do
Every time we riding through
I see you shining boo
Outfit cold like minus two

One thing that I can do
You know we sliding through
I see you shining boo
Outfit cold like minus two

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