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10/09/22 JUICE IRL event with GOLDIE, T.R.A.C., Winslow, Flaco, MC Questionmark, Definition Positive

32 Views· 25 Nov 2023
1 Subscribers

Thank you to everyone who joined us Sunday October 9th for one of the most amazing shows we've ever hosted live and onstream!

After having to move our event from October 6th, we were completely touched and honored that Goldie was still able to make our show on the 9th. Completing an incredible night of music were sets from producers Winslow (MO) and T.R.A.C. (NYC/Toronto); Flaco (CA); MC Questionmark (OR/CA); and longest JUICE resident Definition Positive (OR). For all who were in attendance both live and onstream, you know this was a very special night unlike any other we've had. Many, many thanks to everyone who were able to change their plans to accommodate the new date: to the artists; to everyone who traveled long distances to attend (Twitch family!!!); to our entire JUICE crew; and especially to Goldie, for bringing unbelievable heat and emotion to our humble night—as well as allowing us to stream 30 minutes of his set. Huge thanks to Holocene Portland, for their exceptional work, staffing, sound, and effort put into this show...what an amazing venue! Special thanks out to Brett McConnell for crushing it with his lighting and laser show, and to tbone for managing the stream!
We will never forget this night.

JUICE resumed IRL shows quarterly in Portland in 2022, and has remained consistently active on Twitch for 2.5 years growing strong to near 6k followers and over 75k views—keeping the music fresh, and growing our feature and InBetween Session streams as a staple for listeners worldwide. This marked our 24th feature since May of 2020.
**Please mark your calendars for Friday March 24th, 2023 for our next IRL event at Holocene Portland, which will be our 18th Anniversary show!**

All of our feature livestream sessions from the last two years are posted here on youtube.com/juicedrumandbass

Since April of 2020, we’ve been donating from each event to important organizations fighting for racial justice, equality, and supporting music and the arts. We have given to 23 incredible nonprofit businesses!
This session we made a significant donation to the Portland Street Art Alliance (http://www.pdxstreetart.org) in memory of Goldie's father.

Want to donate and support JUICE?
Your donations also help JUICE to cover operating costs for livestreams, merchandise, and artist bookings.
Every little bit helps.
Donate via Paypal at: paypal.me/bassroutes.
You can also support JUICE directly by purchasing our dope gear from our website and store at www.juicedrumandbass.com/merch
New merch just dropped, grab some for the holidays!

Looking for more JUICE? Find our regular “InBetween Sessions” on Twitch from 7-11pm PST Tues/Thurs/Sun every single week with the JUICE crew and residents. We’ve already logged near 1500 hours streamed!

Thank you for the love since 2005 keeping deep soulful drum and bass alive and well in Oregon.
#juicednbshows #juicelivestreamsontwitch #bassroutes #portlanddrumandbassscene #pdxdnb #northwestdnb #17plusyearsrunning #goldie #trac #winslow #flaco #definitionpositive #mcquestionmark #metalheadz #bassicagency #constellateagency #dnblife #juicednb #juicedrumandbass #keepitmoving #heartandsoul #2022dnbinpdx #2andahalfyearsontwitch #juicednbgear #dnbfamily #juicebox #juicefamily #worldwidednb (heart)

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