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'Illusions of Existence' - Liquid Drum and Bass Mix

3 Views· 01 Apr 2022
1 Subscribers

'Illusions of Existence' - Liquid Drum and Bass Mix
Spotify Playlist: http://spotify.fluidified.com
Tracklist with links below.

As promised, here's my new mix! Liquid drum and bass has been one of my favorite genres for years now so it was about time to make my first long dnb mix for the channel. The mix mainly concentrates on the same melodic and smooth side of drum and bass I usually feature on the channel. Not much else to say about it other than I love all the tracks, some of them were found in the early days of the channel while others were found just recently but will be played over and over again.

Be sure to download the tracks you enjoy and follow the artists on their social networks, they deserve all the support they get and more. If you have any ideas for future mixes or other thoughts, let me know in the comments!


0:00 Changing Faces ft. Charli Brix - Everything Is Gone (Basik Remix)
DL: http://soundcloud.com/drumandb....ass/everything-is-go

- http://soundcloud.com/basikdnb
- http://facebook.com/pages/Basikdnb/159933487415754

- http://soundcloud.com/changing_faces_dnb
- http://facebook.com/ChangingFacesdnb

- http://soundcloud.com/charli-brix
- http://facebook.com/CharliBrix

3:21 Fatkids - Albion Prelude
DL: http://soundcloud.com/azoteliq....uid/free-download-al

- http://soundcloud.com/azoteliquid
- http://twitter.com/fatkidscantjump

8:56 Direct - Under the Stars (Reaktion Remix)
DL: http://soundcloud.com/reaktion....edm/direct-under-the

- http://soundcloud.com/reaktionedm
- http://facebook.com/pages/Reak....tion/149029061454460

- http://soundcloud.com/directmusic
- http://facebook.com/directmusic94

13:24 Lurch - Feel the Night
Buy: http://itunes.apple.com/gb/alb....um/feel-the-night-ep

- http://soundcloud.com/lurchdnb
- http://facebook.com/lurchdnb

- http://soundcloud.com/soul-deep-recordings
- http://facebook.com/pages/Soul....-Deep-Recordings/184

17:49 Audiomorphics - How Can I
DL: http://audiomorphics.bandcamp.com/track/how-can-i

- http://soundcloud.com/audiomorphics
- http://facebook.com/Audiomorphics

23:52 Sceptix & Grey's - Stay Alive (Fatkids Remix)
DL: http://soundcloud.com/azoteliquid/sceptix-grey-stay-alive

- http://soundcloud.com/azoteliquid
- http://twitter.com/fatkidscantjump

- http://soundcloud.com/sceptixx
- http://facebook.com/Sceptix

- http://soundcloud.com/itsgreys

28:42 Holly Drummond - Forbidden (Vaizo Remix)
DL: http://soundcloud.com/vaizo/forbidden-remix

- http://soundcloud.com/vaizo
- http://facebook.com/itsvaizo

- http://soundcloud.com/hollydrummond
- http://facebook.com/hollydrummondmusic

32:42 Fin Evans - Never Forget You (feat. Alex Foster)
DL: http://facebook.com/finevansmu....sic/app_220150904689

- http://soundcloud.com/finevansmusic
- http://facebook.com/finevansmusic

- http://soundcloud.com/alex-foster

38:40 Credit - Hearts & Minds
Buy: http://itunes.apple.com/us/alb....um/access/id68253464

- http://soundcloud.com/creditdnb
- http://facebook.com/CreditDnB

- http://soundcloud.com/limitlessrecordsdnb
- http://facebook.com/limitlessrecordings

42:57 Lurch - Someday
Buy: http://itunes.apple.com/us/alb....um/dreamscapes-emoti

- http://soundcloud.com/lurchdnb
- http://facebook.com/lurchdnb

- http://soundcloud.com/dnbb-recordings
- http://facebook.com/dnbbrecords

47:23 Malaky - Being With You
Buy: http://malaky.bandcamp.com/track/being-with-you

- http://soundcloud.com/malaky
- http://facebook.com/malakydnb

53:43 Passive - For You
DL: not currently available

- http://soundcloud.com/mike_gilbert
- http://facebook.com/PassiveMusic

Picture by Y-K:


*This video was uploaded for promotional purposes. If you enjoy the music, please support the artists by downloading the full quality versions of the tracks from the links above! If you own any content in this video and would like me to take it down, please contact me (fluidified[at]hotmail.com) and I will remove it immediately.

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